Last day in Ashland
My last day in Ashland started with a trip to the laundromat and ended with a final play at OSF. I didn’t take a single photo today. (The one above, of the Elizabethan stage at OSF, I found on the webs.)
My last day in Ashland started with a trip to the laundromat and ended with a final play at OSF. I didn’t take a single photo today. (The one above, of the Elizabethan stage at OSF, I found on the webs.)
This is Day Seven of my trip. We started out early with a drive to Crater Lake. The trip there was scenic, and we took a different route back that was also scenic. And Crater Lake is pretty the way … Continued
Two plays today: a wonderful production of My Fair Lady in the afternoon, and a fun masque called The Heart of Robin Hood this evening at the outdoor theatre (where it wasn’t quite as cold as yesterday). The morning started … Continued
The last few nights I blogged right after dinner. Last night we didn’t get out of the theatre until 11:00, and I was just too sleepy to stay up late and blog. The play was Cymbeline, not one of Shakespeare’s best plays (read … Continued
When I woke up today it was foggy and drizzly. But after breakfast (veggie scramble, sausage, fresh homemade apple-pear juice, and fresh apples and Asian pears from the orchard), I drove to the coast, and by the time I got … Continued
I’m afraid I only have a handful of photos today. I took over 100 pics on the drive down the coast, and they’re all worthy of posting, but the internet connection where I’m staying is extremely limited. I will update this post … Continued
I woke up this morning to the sound of rain. I went to breakfast at the Local Grill & Scoop, and afterwards, it was still raining. So I thought maybe I should give up on any outdoor plans. I decided to head toward … Continued
Here’s the highlight of the first day of my Oregon road trip:
Two days until I leave on my Oregon road trip. I’m planning to blog daily while I’m gone, posting experiences and photos. Meanwhile, I’m continuing to think ahead to next May and my trip to the Balkans. I requested a private tour … Continued
The last time I took a serious road trip was my Acadian Road Trip, eight years ago, in July 2005. I flew to Portland, Maine, and I rented a car and drove up along the coast into New Brunswick, then … Continued
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