Rovinj and Rovigno

posted in: Balkans 2014 | 0

I feel bad about yesterday’s blog post. (Actually it was not yesterday, it was Friday; this is yesterday’s post.) I was so blown away by the sunset that I didn’t actually write about the experiences of the day. I’ll try … Continued

Going up (and down)

posted in: Balkans 2014 | 0

It’s a struggle to identify a unifying theme of the day today. Ups and downs, as well as lefts and rights, probably is the best I can do. We made a wrong turn trying to get to the Plečnik cemetery, … Continued

Fucking Gorgeous’

posted in: Balkans 2014 | 0

When we were driving via a twisty back road up and over the mountains to Bohinj this morning, Troy said she imagined I would describe the view in eloquent, dignified, refined language. Whereas she would just say “It was a … Continued

Jože Plečnik and Friends

posted in: Balkans 2014 | 0

My circadian rhythms must have been all akimbo, because I simply could not sleep for most of the night last night.  After I finished yesterday’s post, I quickly conked out. When I woke up, I was wide awake, but it … Continued

A flavor of Ljubljana

posted in: Balkans 2014 | 0

If I remembered how awful it is to sit in an airplane for 9+ hours, I would start having second thoughts about my love of travel. But here I am in Ljubljana, seeing the stuff I’ve been looking at pictures … Continued


posted in: Balkans 2014, Plans | 2

i’m ready. There are still two hours before I leave for the airport, but I’m all packed and ready to go. The big pile has been squeezed into my Rick Steves convertible carry-on and my souvenir bag from being a Jeopardy! … Continued

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