Plitvice to Sarajevo

posted in: Balkans 2014, Plans | 0

At 347 km, the drive from Plitvice to Sarajevo is the longest of my trip, about 5 hours.  That would still allow plenty of time in the morning to visit the national park before the drive (if weather or timing … Continued

Plitvice via Opatija

posted in: Balkans 2014, Plans | 0

Imagine Niagara Falls sliced and diced and sprinkled over a vast and heavily forested canyon. It’s a lush and unforgettable valley of 16 terraced lakes, laced together by waterfalls and miles of pleasant plank walks. That’s what Rick Steves says about … Continued


posted in: Balkans 2014, Plans | 0

We have three nights in Rovinj.  Assuming we arrive late in the day, that still gives us two full days to explore the Istrian peninsula.

Kobarid to Rovinj

posted in: Balkans 2014, Plans | 0

The drive from Kobarid to Rovinj is less than 3 hours, so that gives us a lot of time along the way to see some of this stuff before we cross the border into Croatia.

The Julian Alps

posted in: Balkans 2014, Plans | 0

You go to the mountains for scenery, right?  And I’m guessing the Julian Alps won’t disappoint. One of the reasons for going to Kobarid is the drive there. We’ll had north out of Ljubljana on A2 (with stops around Bled … Continued

Bled and Vicinity

posted in: Balkans 2014, Plans | 0

It will probably be late afternoon or early evening before we arrive in Ljubljana on May 4, so I’m figuring just two full days before we move on to the west. Those two days may end up being perfect for … Continued


posted in: Balkans 2014, Plans | 0

Ljubljana wasn’t even on my radar before I started seriously planning my trip.  But the more I read about it, the more excited I am to spend some time there.  It seems to be both a great city to see and a great … Continued

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