
posted in: Tips | 0

Picking the right guidebook is always a challenge. On the one hand, any guidebook is going to provide useful information, so you won’t necessarily have a better or worse vacation by picking one guidebook over another. But some guidebooks provide advice … Continued

Pinot Noir: Not my favorite

posted in: Stories | 0

I spent the Labor Day weekend in the wine country of the Willamette Valley, in and around McMinnville, Oregon. I went with my friend Margot to attend the wedding of my friends Lisa and Steve, who are wine aficianados, or … Continued

Comfort Zone

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In the two weeks since my last post I have been thinking a lot about my difficulty with getting out of my comfort zone when I travel. This might seem ridiculous to people who can’t imagine going to Europe all alone. … Continued

The next great adventure

posted in: Stories | 0

I recently got back from what was, for me, a great adventure. Blogging each day during my three-week vacation in Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, and Iceland was part of the joy. I returned home with many wonderful memories and well … Continued


posted in: Nordic Adventure 2012 | 0

It’s my last night in Reykjavik, and the last night of my Nordic adventure. Tomorrow at this time I’ll be home. Well actually, I’ll still be in the air somewhere over Canada, as it’s still afternoon in Seattle, and my … Continued