The next great adventure

posted in: Stories | 0

I recently got back from what was, for me, a great adventure. Blogging each day during my three-week vacation in Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, and Iceland was part of the joy. I returned home with many wonderful memories and well … Continued


posted in: Nordic Adventure 2012 | 0

It’s my last night in Reykjavik, and the last night of my Nordic adventure. Tomorrow at this time I’ll be home. Well actually, I’ll still be in the air somewhere over Canada, as it’s still afternoon in Seattle, and my … Continued


posted in: Nordic Adventure 2012 | 0

I can’t think of any words superlative enough to describe the things I saw today. I can talk about where we went, the names of the places, and such. And I can post pictures (check out my Iceland album starting … Continued

A day in Reykjavik

posted in: Nordic Adventure 2012 | 0

No matter how well I understand logically that the sun doesn’t set here until almost midnight, when I look outside at 10:30 pm and see bright sunshine, my mind can’t understand why my body is so ready for sleep. Today I … Continued

Day trip to Turku and Naantali

posted in: Nordic Adventure 2012 | 0

I’m going to start today’s post by talking about an interesting confluence related to my trip. About ten years ago when I was singing with the Esoterics, we performed a wonderful piece by the Finnish composer Jaakko Mäntyjärvi, Canticum Calamitatis Maritimae. … Continued