
posted in: Nordic Adventure 2012 | 0

I forgot to mention yesterday that one of the highlights of the day was the lunch I had when I arrived at Ærøskøbing.  (I’m at Odense Central Library as I write this, waiting for my train to Copenhagen and, from … Continued

Back in Vernazza

posted in: Italy 2009 | 1

OK, so just a postscript to my last post from Monterosso: Oh my friggin’ god! The walk back from Monterosso to Vernazza was pure torture. Made the hike to Corniglia feel like a stroll on the walls around Lucca by … Continued

Monterosso al Mare

posted in: Italy 2009 | 0

I wish I’d spent my entire two week vacation in the Cinque Terre. I just love it here! Yesterday at about 18.00 a thunderstorm rolled in off the mountains. I bought a bottle of wine and a hunk of foccacia and … Continued

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