Too much pressure, part two
Now I’m really paying for being too tired to blog last night, because I’m too tired to blog tonight, and I already had to blog about yesterday, and now if I don’t blog I’ll still be a day behind. So … Continued
Now I’m really paying for being too tired to blog last night, because I’m too tired to blog tonight, and I already had to blog about yesterday, and now if I don’t blog I’ll still be a day behind. So … Continued
I missed blogging yesterday because I was too tired, and now I’m a day behind, and the pressure is too great, so this post will probably be boring. Plus I probably don’t remember everything that happened yesterday. All I know … Continued
Here are some of the things that are making my visit to Delft and excursion to The Hague memorable:
… and into the freezer. Or so it seems tonight. The temperatures have dropped about 25 degrees Fahrenheit, from the upper 70s to the lower 50s, which, as those who know me are aware, is a good thing! And the … Continued
I like to be a food tourist, which usually means looking for foods that are traditional to the place I’m visiting. After three days in Ghent, I decided on Plan B. (That’s B for Belgium.)
It’s my third full day in Belgium, and today for the first time I was asked my opinion of Trump. But first I had to finish my Ghent experiences and sit on a train for nearly two hours to get … Continued
Today was good. It might actually have nothing to do with getting a full six hours of sleep last night, but that certainly didn’t hurt. (And six hours sleep is close to normal for me. Even so, I had a nice … Continued
I made a day trip to Bruges today. It was very nice. But I liked the movie better. There was nothing wrong with Bruges. It’s exactly what it’s supposed to be: postcard pretty, cobblestoned, with charming bridges crossing charming canals, and with … Continued
… but getting where you’re going is nice.
I leave on my Beltherway adventure in three days! I will be doing my best to blog daily while I’m gone, but full, exhausting days sometimes interfere, and frankly, full, exhausting days are more important than blogging.
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