That feeling

posted in: South America 2017 | 0

Monday, November 20, 6:18 pm You have been on the go all day. Finally, you have a few hours in the evening to just relax. So you’re sitting in the bar of the lodge, staring at the spectacular view. You have … Continued

Los pingüinos

posted in: South America 2017 | 1

Saturday, November 18 This morning we have a 10:30 flight from Puerto Montt to our southernmost destination, Punta Arenas (literally “Sandy Point”), on the Strait of Magellan. To get to the airport we have to ride the bus a half … Continued

A Day in the Life

posted in: South America 2017 | 0

Thursday, November 16 Today was not about seeing beautiful scenery or learning about history or politics or economics or geology. Today was about people. Specifically, today was about the people of Pargua, a community of about 800 on the north … Continued

Back into Chile

posted in: South America 2017 | 2

Tuesday, November 14 As the crow flies it’s only about 80 miles from Bariloche, Argentina, to Puerto Varas, Chile, but to drive around all the lakes took the better part of the day. And that was to our benefit, because … Continued

Bariloche and environs

posted in: South America 2017 | 2

Saturday, November 11 It was about a two hour flight from Buenos Aires to Bariloche. We checked in to our lovely hotel about a mile outside of town, and after we got settled we went back into town for a … Continued


posted in: South America 2017 | 1

Sunday, November 5 We had a very early start this morning, departing from our Santiago hotel at 6:55 to get to the airport and fly to Rapa Nui. We flew on a 787 Dreamliner, my first time on this plane. … Continued

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