
posted in: Juneau 2017 | 1

I never heard the term “decolonization” before. Here are some definitions: Process by which colonies become independent of the colonizing country –Encyclopedia Brittanica The undoing of colonialism, where a nation establishes and maintains its domination over dependent territories –Wikipedia The … Continued

Weekend in Juneau

posted in: Juneau 2017 | 1

I’m off to spend the weekend in Juneau. I’ve spent the entire summer in Seattle, which isn’t necessarily a terrible thing. The weather here is beautiful in the summertime. But it’s nice to have a little getaway, so with the … Continued

Back in Anchorage

posted in: Alaska 2003 | 0

The country itself … it’s grand. It’s so damn grand.… It’s like trying to paint Niagara Falls or a brilliant sunset or the Grand Canyon or some other visual aspect of nature which can only be described by people who … Continued


posted in: Alaska 2003 | 0

5:00 a.m. I just got dropped off at Denali River Cabins, where I have an hour to wait before my 6:00 departure. There’s a restaurant that’s supposed to open at 5:00, so I can get breakfast. A few other brave … Continued

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