A varied picture

posted in: Cuba 2020, Real Journeys | 3

Friday, 9:00 am I have some catching up to do. Sorry I haven’t had a chance to blog since Wednesday morning, but we’ve been on the go a lot and it’s been exhausting. Today is our last day in Havana, and … Continued

Intro to Havana

posted in: Cuba 2020, Real Journeys | 2

Tuesday, 8:00 am Tour Yesterday part-bus and part-walking tour made for an excellent first day in Havana. Our guide, Felix, is a fount of information. So much information, in fact, that, interesting as it was, sometimes I just had to tune … Continued

Excited and Enchanted…

posted in: Cuba 2020, Real Journeys | 1

Monday, 8:00 am I started out planning this trip to Cuba feeling excited. It always seemed like one of those forbidden, exotic places I’d never get to visit. So when I learned about this tour, I jumped on the opportunity. And … Continued