
posted in: Beltherway 2016 | 2

I’m overloaded on sun. After the gloom and grey skies in Oslo, I’ve enjoyed the last few days, but it’s also taking a toll. Being out in the sun all day, now three days in a row, has me worn … Continued

Backup battery

posted in: Beltherway 2016 | 2

I am on the balcony of my room at the Balestrand Hotell, trying to focus on what I’m typing. But I am distracted by the view of the Sognefjord in front of me.

Just like home

posted in: Beltherway 2016 | 2

Yesterday in Oslo was like so many winter and spring and fall days in Seattle: grey and rainy. Fortunately I got most of my outdoor sightseeing done on Saturday, when it was beautiful (until late afternoon). So yesterday was a … Continued


posted in: Beltherway 2016 | 0

I meant to blog about the concert I attended at the Concertgebouw last Thursday, but with all I’ve been busy doing, I somehow forgot.  The concert was, in a word,  sublime.

Out of practice

posted in: Beltherway 2016 | 0

Last time I blogged I was in a completely different country where they speak a different language and use a different currency and where you didn’t have to say “It’s only money” every time you spent the equivalent of $5 … Continued

Being a tourist

posted in: Beltherway 2016 | 0

I like to travel as a temporary local. I’m not big on tours, I hate walking around with my nose in a guidebook, and I like eating in restaurants that locals go to, not ones that cater largely to tourists. … Continued

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