Not the next Prague
Of all the Eastern European cities laying claim to the boast, “the next Prague,” Krakow is for real. So writes Rick Steves in his Krakow, Warsaw, and Gdansk guidebook. What a crock!
Of all the Eastern European cities laying claim to the boast, “the next Prague,” Krakow is for real. So writes Rick Steves in his Krakow, Warsaw, and Gdansk guidebook. What a crock!
I was trying to pick a representative photo for the “featured image” of this post, and I settled on the Palace of Science and Culture, perhaps the ugliest building I’ve ever see. Built in the early 1950s, the locals consider … Continued
I have to confess, as I was getting toward the end of my visit to Berlin, I was starting to have doubts about having planned a four-week trip. I found myself getting worn out and worn down. And I was … Continued
It’s Sunday, April 14. I’m currently on a train from Berlin to Warsaw. We just departed, and the journey will be over six hours, so I have plenty of time to make up for not blogging during most of my … Continued
I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking. —Christopher Isherwood Sometimes when I’m traveling, I feel that way. I like to observe a little from a distance. I like seeing what I see. My actual … Continued
Fast Travel The first half of this trip is some of the slowest travel I’ve ever done in Europe.
Okay, so I’ve been in Dresden since Thursday and haven’t written anything about it yet (except for my new shoes I bought here). But I will. Yesterday I went to Leipzig, so since that’s over and done, I’ll write about that first. … Continued
The best part of my day today was buying new shoes. Okay, that’s completely not true, except it kind of is.
I’m in Dresden now. I’m just bad at keeping up with the blog. Either I’m on the go, too tired, or busy planning what to do next. So I’ll give a few highlights from my last two days in Prague. I’m … Continued
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