The trips I dream of taking
Before there’s a trip, there’s a plan. Before there’s a plan, there’s a dream.
Travel dreams are like imagined adventures. While I’m dreaming of new places to go, I’m imagining myself there, full of energy and enthusiasm and wonder.
My travel dreams consist of places I know I will go one day, and places I hope I will get to eventually. My bucket list is long and keeps growing, faster than I can get to all the places on it.
Some of my imagined adventures are journeys I know I may never take, except maybe in my imagination. But sometimes I can take as much joy in a place I’m only dreaming about seeing as I can in one I’ve already seen.
But most of my imagined adventures will, I hope, turn into real journeys. Many already have.
Here are the places currently at the top of my bucket list. (Those crossed out are trips that are moving from Imagined Adventures to actual Plans and will soon be Real Journeys.):
Turkey- New Zealand
- Australia
- The Lofoten Islands in Norway
- Morocco
Israel- African safari
- Yosemite National Park
- Thailand
- Vietnam
Egypt- Spain and Portugal
- Rome
Colombia- Anywhere no one else I know has been