A very quick recap of southern Vietnam
I am now in Hanoi, and I have so much to share about my time in southern Vietnam and no time to do it. Our schedule has been jam-packed, and the Wifi at our hotel here has been sporadic. So … Continued
I am now in Hanoi, and I have so much to share about my time in southern Vietnam and no time to do it. Our schedule has been jam-packed, and the Wifi at our hotel here has been sporadic. So … Continued
The challenge of blogging while traveling overwhelmed me in Siem Reap. I published a very abbreviated version of this post while I was in Saigon. But now I’ve fleshed it out, maybe with too much detail. But there was so … Continued
My visit to Phnom Penh was a mix of great joy and intense sadness. Here’s my attempt to unpack all the emotions I experienced in just two days. I’ll start with the sad things and get them out of the way, … Continued
After a too-short visit to Vientiane, the capital of the Lao Democratic People’s Republic, I have had to say farewell to this surprisingly beautiful country and its friendly people. (I am writing this from Phnom Penh, Cambodia.) So here are … Continued
Luang Prabang is a delightful city. I was there for just a few days, and while it didn’t feel like nearly enough time, our OAT group crammed so much into the time we had. I could tell many stories. I … Continued
My time in Thailand is coming to an end. What a fascinating country this is! Beautiful people, complicated history, exciting energy, and great food! Not to mention the architecture. Bangkok is a brilliant city of skyscrapers, and tucked away amid the … Continued
There is a bridge over the River Kwai in Kanchanaburi. But the River Kwai is actually the Khwae (rhymes with “hay”), and there are two branches; the bridge crosses the Khwae Yai. The other branch, the Khwae Noi, merges with … Continued
Even though this post is about Chiang Rai, most of the time I was there, I wasn’t there. What I saw on the way from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, and what I saw when our group did pretty much … Continued
If you walk around the street markets in Chiang Mai, you’ll find an amazing variety of artifacts. Wood carving, silk-screen prints, paintings, t‑shirts, and so many other items. Of course there is some cheap, tacky stuff, and there are also … Continued
I’ll start with a disclaimer: I’m not a beach person. I don’t like lying on the beach under a hot sun. Taking a dip is nice for a quick cool-off, but then I’m done. And I don’t drink a lot, … Continued
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