First impressions of Cairo

posted in: Middle East 2023 | 3

Here are some first impressions of Cairo. I arrived this morning, got a ride from the airport to the Cairo Marriott, where I’m staying for the first three nights in Egypt, and walked to a nearby restaurant for lunch. After … Continued

Farewell Caledonia

posted in: Scotland 2023 | 4

I have bid a fond and sad farewell to the lovely land of Caledonia. (Caledonia was the Latin name used by the Roman Empire to refer to the part of Great Britain that lies north of the River Forth, which includes most of the land area of Scotland. Today, … Continued

Edinburgh, Part One

posted in: Scotland 2023 | 0

In my first day-and-a-half in Edinburgh, I’ve already seen and done so much! And yet, it feels like I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface. This city is amazing. Every direction I look, I see something fascinating, beautiful, historic, … Continued

Dundee and St. Andrews

posted in: Scotland 2023 | 2

From the rugged mountains and beautiful countryside where I spent the last two weeks, I’m ending my Scotland adventure in more urban settings. I spent the last three nights in Dundee, and now I’m on the train to Edinburgh. (I … Continued

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