Seville So Far… and all done
It’s the end of my third day in Seville; two to go. There’s really not much to write about. I’m not going to share all my activities, hour by hour. I’ve done that before, and I will just get bogged down, … Continued
It’s the end of my third day in Seville; two to go. There’s really not much to write about. I’m not going to share all my activities, hour by hour. I’ve done that before, and I will just get bogged down, … Continued
In two days I had the great delight of experiencing Córdoba and learning about how people of different religions lived peacefully together–except when they didn’t. Jewish, Islamic, and Christian cultures thrived here, sometimes simultaneously. Each of these three monotheistic religions … Continued
I’m always happiest when I’m either traveling or planning for my next trip. So even though I just got back from my last adventure, not to mention the one before that, I’m getting ready for another one, which starts in … Continued
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